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Table 4 Immunohistochemical Ki67 expression in SSA/P and HP (<10mm)

From: An assessment of the diagnostic criteria for sessile serrated adenoma/polyps: SSA/Ps using image processing software analysis for Ki67 immunohistochemistry


HP (n=12)

SSA/P (n=14)

p a

Ki67 positivity* (%) .00692

30.9 (24.25–35.75)

41.75 (34.5–45.8)


Asymmetry of the location** (%) .03075

8.65 (5.2–10.7)

11.65 (8.3–17.9)

  1. a Mann-Whitney U test.
  2. * Frequency of Ki67 positive cells.
  3. ** Asymmetry of the location of Ki67 positive cells in each individual crypt.