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Table 2 Histological activity of liver biopsy of chronic hepatitis B

From: Analysis of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers in the histogenesis of hepatic progenitor cell in HBV-related liver diseases

Histological Activity

Histological Feature

Mild (A1)

PMN = 0 LN = 1

PMN = 1 LN = 0, 1

Moderate (A2)

PMN = 0 LN = 2

PMN = 1 LN = 2

PMN = 2 LN = 0, 1

Severe (A3)

PMN = 2 LN = 2

PMN = 3 LN = 0, 1, 2

  1. PMN, piecemeal necrosis; 0, none; 1, mild; 2, moderate, 3, severe; LN, lobular necrosis; 0, no or mild; 1, moderate; 2, severe