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Table 1 Clinical and EUS characteristics of patients who underwent endoscopic-guided fine needle aspiration (n = 200)

From: Factors affecting cytological results of endoscopic ultrasound guided-fine needle aspiration during learning

Age, years, mean ± SD (range)

62.3 + 14.3 (22–98)

Sex, male/female, n


Chronic pancreatitis, n (%)

37 (18.5%)

Tumor location, nF1


Tumor size, cm, mean ± SD (range)

3.3 ± 1.6 (0.3–12)

Numbers of FNA pass, median (range)

4 (1–7)

Adequate samples obtained, n (%)

194 (97%)

Malignant/ Benign lesion, n


Adverse events, n (%)

2 (1%)

  1. SD Standard deviation
  2. F1Pancreas uncinate process/head/ body/ tail/ others