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Table. 2 Morphological features of diffuse malignant epithelioid peritoneal mesothelioma

From: Evaluation of prognostic histological parameters proposed for pleural mesothelioma in diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. A short report

Architectural pattern

N (%)

‑  Tubulopapillary

6 (18%)

‑  Trabecular

1 (3%)

‑  Microcystic

1 (3%)

‑  Solid

25 (73%)

‑  Micropapillary

1 (3%)

Cytological features

‑  Epithelioid

28 (82%)

‑  Deciduoid

6 (18%)

Stromal features

‑  Non reactive

27 (79%)

‑  Desmoplastic

6 (18%)

‑  Myxoid

1 (3%)

Nuclear atypia

‑  1


‑  2

16 (47%)

‑  3

18 (53%)

Mitotic count

‑  1 (≤ 1/2 mm2)

1 (3%)

‑  2 (2–4/2 mm2)

15 (44%)

‑  3 (≥ 5/2 mm2)

18 (53%)


‑  Present

12 (35%)

‑  Absent

22 (65%)


‑  Low

15 (44%)

‑  High

19 (56%)