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Figure 1 | Diagnostic Pathology

Figure 1

From: Adult gaucher disease in southern Tunisia: report of three cases

Figure 1

Micorscopic images of Gaucher cells of the three studied GD patients: A cell with a ''sandpaper'' appearance was evident. A: Myelogram of Case 1: microscopic image of Gaucher cells (A1: MGG, X10) and (A2: MGG, X100). B: Myelogram of case 2: microscopic image of Gaucher cells (B1: MGG, X10) and (B2: MGG, X100). C: Myelogram of Case 3: microscopic image of Gaucher cells (C1: MGG, X10) and (C2: MGG, X100). Abbreviation: MGG; May-Grünwald Giemsa.

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