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Figure 3 | Diagnostic Pathology

Figure 3

From: Extrauterine adenomyoma of the liver with a focally cellular smooth muscle component occurring in a patient with a history of myomectomy: case report and review of the literature

Figure 3

Microscopic features (hematoxylin-eosin stain). A, Histopathologic examination revealed a subcapsular mass. The multilobular mass had a well-circumscribed margin with the adjacent liver tissue. B, Irregular endometrioid glands and cysts were haphazardly scattered among the smooth muscle bundles. Variable amounts of blood/congestion and hemorrhage, dense fibrosis, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages were associated with the endometrioid tissue. C, The whorled intersecting smooth muscle component was focally cellular. D, The endometrioid cysts were typically lined by a single layer of columnar cells and had secretory features.

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