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Table 3 Selection of stronger emerging themes for WSIa

From: Cytopathology whole slide images and adaptive tutorials for senior medical students: a randomized crossover trial


Response rate: N (%)

Not enough to learn from in isolation – need VMATs or other

22 (13)

Convenient (at home, in-transit, on IPAD)

22 (13)

Intuitive interface /easy to use

17 (10)

Slides need annotations or “on-off” labels

15 (9)

Preference for screener’s marks

15 (9)

Better/easier than glass slides alone

14 (8.3)

Valuable or high impact learning

13 (7.7)

Equity of training

12 (7)

Resolution is good

10 (6)

Incorporate function to practice locator skills on slide and approach to a slide

9 (5)

  1. aComments containing multiple themes were given by many participants
  2. Abbreviations: WSI whole slide images