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Fig. 2 | Diagnostic Pathology

Fig. 2

From: Expression of stem cell markers SALL4, LIN28A, and KLF4 in ameloblastoma

Fig. 2

Immunohistochemical staining for SALL4, LIN28 and KLF4 in AME, DC and DF samples. Intense SALL4 immunostaining was observed in the parenchymal cells of the plexiform AME, with nuclear and cytoplasmic location (A). Strong LIN28A immunostaining was observed in follicular-type AME, with nuclear and cytoplasmic localization limited to the central cells of the tumor island (E). Intense KLF4 immunostaining in plexiform AME was observed with a nuclear location (I). There was a subtle labeling of the three proteins in the nucleus and cytoplasm of some epithelial cells in both DC (B, F and J) and DF (C, G and K) samples. Statistical analysis of the percentage of parenchymal marking area of the three markers (D, H and L) between AME, DC and DF. (***p < 0.001). Scale bar: 20 µm. AME = Ameloblastoma; DC = Dentigerous cyst; DF = Dental follicle

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