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Table 1 Demographic, clinical and functional data of the study population (n = 24)

From: Medical Research Council dyspnea scale does not relate to fibroblast foci profusion in IPF

Age, year (mean ± SD)

63.5 ± 7

Sex (M/F)




Smoking history (n %)


Ex smokers

12 (50%)

No smokers

12 (50%)

Current smokers

0 (0%)

MRC chronic dyspnea score, n (%)



0 (0%)


9 (37,5%)


10 (41,7%)


3 (12,5%)


2 (8,3%)


0 (0%)

PFTs (mean ± SD)


FEV1 - FEV1 % pr

1,97 ± 0,4 - 83,7 ± 15,9%

FVC - FVC % pr

2,25 ± 0,6 - 76,2 ± 15,2%

FEV1/FVC (ratio) % pr

88 ± 5,6%

TLC - TLC % pr

3,31 ± 0,7 - 61,7 ± 11,7

DLCO - DLCO % pr

3,23 ± 1,2 - 43,6 ± 14,4%

  1. M/F Male/Female, FEV1 Forced expiratory volume at 1 second, % per cent, FVC Forced vital capacity, TLC Total Lung Capacity, DLCO Diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide, FEV1/FVC: FEV1/FVC ratio