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Fig. 3 | Diagnostic Pathology

Fig. 3

From: Serous carcinoma arising from uterine adenomyosis/adenomyotic cyst of the cervical stump: a report of 3 cases

Fig. 3

Serous EIC in adenomyotic cyst of the cervical stump (case 3). Serous EIC was present in the adenomyotic cysts by showing a slightly papillary contour with fibrous cores and the cells displayed hobnail cellular morphology and significant atypia a, b. The serous EIC showed p53 over expression c and a high Ki67 index d. A focus of EmGD and serous EIC (arrow) was seen in the adjacent area of one serous EIC lesion e, f. The EmGD lesion showed p53 over expression g and a relatively lower Ki67 index h. (Original magnifications: A, E*50; C, D*100; B, F-H*200)

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