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Fig. 6 | Diagnostic Pathology

Fig. 6

From: A risk model based on 10 ferroptosis regulators and markers established by LASSO-regularized linear Cox regression has a good prognostic value for ovarian cancer patients

Fig. 6

Association of 10 risk factors with immune cells in ovarian cancer. A The association of immune cells with ovarian cancer patients’ cumulative survival was analyzed using a Kaplan-Meier estimate. B The association of each of the 10 risk factors with ovarian cancer patients’ cumulative survival was analyzed using a Kaplan-Meier estimate. C The correlation between immune cells and the risk factors was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient. The left panel: heatmap showing the significance of the correlations (P-value); the right panel: heatmap showing the strength and direction of the correlations (R-value)

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