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Table 2 Key differences between Image-based and Laboratory-based Diagnostics with a focus on LLM applications

From: Challenges and barriers of using large language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT for diagnostic medicine with a focus on digital pathology – a recent scoping review


Image-based diagnostics

Laboratory-based diagnostics

Data source

Medical images

Blood, tissue, other bodily fluids

Analysis method

Visual analysis, image processing, AI

Biochemical analysis, genetic testing, pathogen detection


Non-invasive, rapid, can visualize anatomical structures

More specific, quantitative, can detect biochemical changes


Subjective, requires trained specialists, prone to artifacts

Invasive, time-consuming, may not be specific to a single disease

LLM applications

Image analysis, classification, possibly segmentation and lesion characterisation

Analysing test results, predicting disease risk, identifying new biomarkers